This article will cover the ways in which you can add a blog component to your Cratejoy Storefront.

Adding a blog to your Cratejoy site requires that you first have a blog hosted with a third-party blog provider such as or Tumblr.

This article provides instructions on how to set up your blog as a subdomain of your primary domain name through Namecheap, using WordPress as an example.

If you need to set up your custom domain first, you can find instructions in our support article: Customizing Your Domain and DNS Settings.

If you are not using a custom domain name, you can skip ahead to adding links to your navigation.

Add a CNAME record for your blog

  • Click on 'DNS Records'
  • Add a CNAME record
  • For the name, add: blog
  • For the value, add:
  • Click 'Add Record'
  • Set the status to 'Automatic'

Map your subdomain in WordPress

  • In your WordPress portal, go to 'Domains', which is at the bottom of the page under 'Configuration'
  • Next, go to the 'My Domains' tab where another window will open after you select it
  • Update your primary domain to:

Add a link to your site's navigation

Follow our instructions on how to add links to your navigation from the designer.

Additional resources

Updated by Jake 06/10/22